App for IOS seems faulty


I recently bought the VM201. It seems to works fine, however I have an issue with the IOS App.

I have updated the IP-number for the VM201 and fixed the IP-number at No problems.
Calling that IP inside the LAN from a PC works fine, I access the VM201 interface and I can update the relay settings. All fine.

Now I have downloaded the IOS App “VM201” for my iPhone 5S using IOS 9.2.1 software.
Opening the App gives me 2 screens only, which I can swipe between right-left:

  • the Relay-settings 1-8 inclusive timer settings for each relay and a “All off” button.
  • Another page showing the 8 relays with a timer-icon to the right of each “relay” and the input button.
    There are no other buttons as far as I can see.

How do I change settings, like the IP-number where the VM201 relay actually is ( ?

Trying to push any button at the App I get the same error box:
"Connection info: Unable to connect to server, please verify the settings (ip: port 9760) - OK "

I miss a button named “settings” where I can tell the App to call the VM201 at LAN ip number, insert my home IP-number from my ISP plus a port number, update names of each relay etc.
OR do I simply overlook the button??

I have searched in documentation without success.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

I have the same problem but if I set the system in the same range as the app runs smoothly, missing its adjustment to change the ip