Alternate software for k8200

I use repetier host V0.95 for my k8200 printer. Though im general OK with it, I hate how it makes support. Some things just cannot be printed without support and with this software I cant print some things because of too much support. When I enable support it also wants to print support on places I dont want it because i cant possibly remove it. For instance if I print some wall vertically and it has a few round holes in it, I get way to much support even outside of the wall just to support a small hole which doesnt even need support.

When the slicer makes support it also makes the outline of the supports way too thick and it gets too attached to the main objects, making it sometimes hard to remove. PLA is already a tough material to cut n scrape as it is

I want to try an other software which has more avaiable options when it comes to support material as I am not yet rich enough to afford a good dual extruder :wink: so I can print with ABS and use PLA as support which I can dissolve…

Which other good softwares are out there which are worth trying out?

You can get yourself a copy of simplyfy 3d. A nice piece of work with many options, but also commercial software.

Or simply try the recent repetier Host version.
It is still free of charge and comes with slic3r, curaEngine and optionally skeinforge as slicers.
I use repetier/curaengine to slice most of my models now.
It is way faster and gives better results most times.

I use repetier V1.6.0 and as firmware arduino v1.0.6
From scratch so needs some tweaking to get it to work.

I dumped Repetier early on. I’d use Slic3r direct and the drive the printer via Octoprint on a Pi.

Now the printer has a Duet board on the printer so files are uploaded direct.

You might want to take a look at Craftware, it lets you design your own support and can be downloaded for free.

I have just seen a movie about craftware and it looks perfect, I am using it now. You can really control where you want and especially where you don’t want support. I am going to print my previous print again. I also noticed how incredibly fast it slices. yesterday I wanted to slice a big part which took repetier 55 minutes. And craftware did it in seconds.

I had a problem with Repetier/Slic3r generating far too much support material, like you describe. I found that I had modified one of the Slic3r settings - Print Settings :: Support Material :: Overhang Threshold should be zero, but if you change this it goes overboard generating supports everywhere it can fit them in.

But Craftware sounds like it’s worth a look…

that craftware also has some issues. When I select to slice for PLA, it gives me a rather hot extruder temperature of a 210 degrees. but I could change this in the Gcode. The first layers are printed rather slow, making a bit of a mess. And I have the feeling it poops out to much material for the objects or the Gcode is just plain wrong. Today I was printing but the extruder was inside the object making a mess. At first I thought the Z-axis motor missed a few steps, but when the printer went on with the support material the hight was perfect.

And I have almost no input in the settings. I cannot fill in whether I use 1.5 or 3mm thick PLA, I cannot manipulate bed and extruder temperature. can’t input layer hight, first layer hight. That what I can input I dont know what fill in:
Max acceleration (default 800mm/s^2)
Corner coefficient (default 3,0000)
Min speed (default 10mm/s)
Time step (default 40ms)

Normally when I print using Slic3r the first hour is critical, because after the first hour you can tell if parts come lose and if your print will be finished. With this craftware it get’s messier over time. Now the last hour I am nail biting, boubting it will finish. And if it finishes, how will it look.

I would describe this software as good but incomplete and not yet ready.


<<And I have almost no input in the settings. I cannot fill in whether I use 1.5 or 3mm thick PLA, I cannot manipulate bed and extruder temperature. can’t input layer hight, first layer hight.>>[/quote]

Seriously, are we even talking about the same software?

I’ve used Craftware 1.06 and 1.13 Beta and I simply can not work out how you could not find those settings.

You did click on ‘switch to expert mode’ didn’t you?

How are you going to do that? In fact, how are you going to print ABS and PLA at the same time without a gooey mess? You might want to try HIPS as a support material; it’ll dissolve with d-Limonene.

[quote=“Paul Compton”][quote=“bask185”]<>

<<And I have almost no input in the settings. I cannot fill in whether I use 1.5 or 3mm thick PLA, I cannot manipulate bed and extruder temperature. can’t input layer hight, first layer hight.>>[/quote]

Seriously, are we even talking about the same software?

I’ve used Craftware 1.06 and 1.13 Beta and I simply can not work out how you could not find those settings.

You did click on ‘switch to expert mode’ didn’t you?[/quote]

yeah I found the expert mode button after my latest post…
Now I am using it all the time with great succes.