All 4 motors make noise, but do not run


now I’ve assembled my printer and started testing. Both temperatures are shown correctly, both heaters are working fine, and the fan is working fine.
But none of the 4 motors is running correctly. All motors do only make noise or random steps. I think the motors are trying to run much too fast.

Any ideas?


First check if you can move all your axis manually by hand without any too high or unusual force required. This makes sure that the mechanical part works fine. Then make sure that you adjusted the reference voltage on the stepper drivers as shown in the instruction manual. If that does still not do the trick, try to increase the voltage slightly (to 0.5V for example). When you’re still running into problems, it might be that your have wired your machine wrong - you have to recheck everything.

~ Tectu

Set the reference voltage to 0.55


I found out that the battery in my voltmeter was low, so that I set the voltage at the test point unintentionally much higher than 0.55V. In fact, it was about 1.6V. After correcting this, two motors are running fine, and the other two motor drivers are defect. I swapped the motor drivers to confirm this. Is there any dealer in Germany who has the A4988 driver modules in stock for immediate delivery?


Perhaps your dealer in Germany has some drivers A4988, but the best is to request to Velleman via missing part page on web site to receive two news one and free.