After printing a while, no x-axis changes

I have problems with my vertex. After printing a while, the x-axis doesn´t change, so the printer just prints continously in the y-axis forward and back and forward and so on at the same x-axis perimeter. Could it be possible, that the x-axis driver board is damaged or what could it be?

Check the pulley on the motor.
Make sure the screw is tight.

I did. It is not a mechanical problem. Any suggestion else?

Try swapping the driver between the X and Y to see if the problem moves.

And while you’re at it, check the driver reference voltage (have a look at the Wiki).

Thanks a lot, Raby. Since I built the kit, I forgot the driver voltage adjustment.
I checked now the driver voltages and I think that over the time (I have the printer now 2 years), maybe through vibrations, the potentiometers changed their values. Otherwise I can not explain, why the voltage changed.
The extruder motor driver even was at 1,3 V! Wonder that it still worked. I adjusted it again in the demanded ranges.
Now the printer runs again very stable.
That proves again how useful this forum is.