I have recently bought and installed and calibrated this 3D printer. I have followed all the instructions from the manual and that board cover printed just fine but other things is going bad.
I use a matted glass plate on the bed so i have incresed the bed temperature to 60 degrees.
As i said the board cover went fine but some other things bends up and releases from the bed after a few layers.
What is wrong?
If you follow the instructions from Velleman they claim to sand the PCB before use.
Some people use tape or a glas plate with or without adhetitives like hair spay, glue and what so ever.
Sanding the heated bed and heating it up to 50…60°C however should solve your problem.
I use sanded glass plate so thats not the issue. I just tried increasing the bed heat to 65 degrees and it was even worse. Now ill try and decrease the temperature to 55 and see how it goes.
Though im not sure if thats the issue yet.
how do i change how high it goes on each layer?
We assume you mean layer thickness?
This is determined in the Slic3r settings.
[quote=“VEL417”]We assume you mean layer thickness?
This is determined in the Slic3r settings.[/quote]
Yes i think thats what i mean
Just printed something that used to work but at layer 20 the object was pulled loose.
Im lost :S
Can you provide links to pictures that show the problem, maybe we can spot the cause…
Make sure there is no draft blowing on the bed.
Also your room temp may have something to do with this.
I have found the warmer the better.
As VEL417 said, pictures would help.
This is the frog that worked i57.tinypic.com/30wqvk8.jpg
This is the frog that went bad after layer 22 i57.tinypic.com/6730ie.jpg
Just realized the problem is the printer scews the entire print after layer 22 or around that. everything is printed around 5mm too much to the left after layer 22.
Looks like a temperature issue.
At what temperature do you print?
Are you using Velleman PLA?
Make sure the extruder NTC makes a good thermal contact with the heater block.
If possible, compare indicated temperature with measured temperature on heater block (using a probe thermometer, not an IR temperature meter).
Watch your Z-axis to make sure it’s actually raising on each layer. I stripped my printer and washed out the linear bearing as they were all ‘snagging’ to some degree. A re-fill with light machine oil sorted that out.