ABS doesn''t stick to the bed; PLA does

Well the subject text says it all…

I’'ve tried a number of suggestions, such as
[ul]using a mirror as a bed (works well with PLA)[/ul]
[ul]using blue tape (works well with PLA)[/ul]
[ul]using a diluted mixture of ABS and Acetone (ABS: seems to work for a bit, say 10mm high objects, than it becomes unstuck anyway) [/ul]
[ul]heating up the bed a bit more (50C >> 60C)[/ul]
This takes forever and a week, and doesnot seem to work. ??
Would it be possible to heat up the bed even more… and to xyz deg C?
how to improve = shorten heating time?

It appears that altough the extruder is ''willing and able" to handle ABS, the bed / rest of the K8200 is NOT.

Tips that may lead to a resolution of this problem would be much much appreciated!
WP Ginfo

To make ABS stick to the bed use a glue stick (Pritt, UHU) and rais you bed temperature up to 85-90°.

It will stick like hell.

What works well too : first coat your bed with hair spray and then a thin layer of the ABS/aceton mixture (same temp as above).

I print on lightly sanded kapton tape, nozzel hight 0.1mm. abs temp 250gr bed temp 85gr.
degrease your nozzel hight and the first layer sticks to the bed…

Hi WP Ginfo,

I put a sheet of kapton on my mirror. No problem for ABS to stick to the bed.
For larger objects, use a brim.

Try to keep the temperature difference between your bed and nozzle (delta temp) as low as possible.
You may consider to power your bed with a separate power supply (>15Vdc).

and of course, always ‘degrease’ the print area…


[quote=“wallie”]I print on lightly sanded kapton tape, nozzel hight 0.1mm. abs temp 250gr bed temp 85gr.
degrease your nozzel hight and the first layer sticks to the bed…[/quote]

Do you mean nozzle height as in the distance from position 0,0,0 to the bed?

Grease your heatbed with UHU glue stick (not too much) and print with 60-55C°. I tried that and it worked with every ABS print i did.

Only Problem:

When the print is finished it sticks sometimes “too” well on the heatbed and it’s difficult to remove.