A little 3D Demo with K8400, made yesterday, just for fun

What do you think about my Video I made yesterday?

Youtube Video: [color=#0000FF]https://youtu.be/7eD3AIhtEq4[/color]

I customized the Start-G-Code, added a few LED blinkywinky’s and in the End-G-Code I also played with the LED and the Stepmotors speed to generate a “Finish Sound”… :slight_smile:
And, as I asked in another thread, I would like to change the LED color when the Printer starts with a new Layer to print… Do you know whether this is realisable?
I know, its a very bad resolution and very unsharp sometimes. This is a thing which I need to improve. But its only a first test, please be not to hard to me… hehehe

I am looking forward reading your comments!

best regards

Hello, very good work, you work with cura or another software? Jean Michel

Hello, Jean Michel
Yes, its CuraEngine :slight_smile:
I use it since 2 Years and I am so happy and familiar with Cura, I never tried another Slicer…

Best regards
René [Maexchen] Erdenberger