8076 “The settings don’t match the Pic in the programmer” solution…
I almost lost it, trying to figure out how to program my 16F628A with Vellemans 8076’1…
After trying averythin I tried some more…
I used the serial connectors bundled with the kit, cut an old paralell cable and connected it all. I later realised that my new motherboard didn’t have a serial port so I had to dig in the box with suff and came across the extra serial slot that I could connect to my motherboard… I guess this is kinda “fake” but hey, it wroks! the cable is about 2 meters.
I used a AC/DC converter with 3-12V 500mA non-stabilized, put it on 12V.
I didn’t cut the wires icsp to sk5/sk6 before connecting the cableshoes…
I used the latest PicProg 2006
I tried the “disable code delay on” method, but still same problem…
I checked the voltage and it all was good…
I tried to change the settings on the com-port -no fifo, and speed from 9600 to 128000… no luck…
after hours of struggling and an unhappy girlfriend it came to me! :idea:
I click on Hardware “Configuration under” “funktion” for the twntieth time and realize, perhaps it could make a difference if I slow the “hardware delay” down, I mean who wants slow hardware?!
I put it on “slow” (10) and now everything works like a charm!
and btw, I have Windows Vista, 64Bit… take that!
hope this helps!
/Arvid Mårtensson