8076"settings don't match the Pic in the programmer&quo

8076 “The settings don’t match the Pic in the programmer” solution…

I almost lost it, trying to figure out how to program my 16F628A with Vellemans 8076’1…
After trying averythin I tried some more…
I used the serial connectors bundled with the kit, cut an old paralell cable and connected it all. I later realised that my new motherboard didn’t have a serial port so I had to dig in the box with suff and came across the extra serial slot that I could connect to my motherboard… I guess this is kinda “fake” but hey, it wroks! the cable is about 2 meters.
I used a AC/DC converter with 3-12V 500mA non-stabilized, put it on 12V.
I didn’t cut the wires icsp to sk5/sk6 before connecting the cableshoes…
I used the latest PicProg 2006

I tried the “disable code delay on” method, but still same problem…
I checked the voltage and it all was good…
I tried to change the settings on the com-port -no fifo, and speed from 9600 to 128000… no luck…

after hours of struggling and an unhappy girlfriend it came to me! :idea:

I click on Hardware “Configuration under” “funktion” for the twntieth time and realize, perhaps it could make a difference if I slow the “hardware delay” down, I mean who wants slow hardware?! :wink:

I put it on “slow” (10) and now everything works like a charm!

and btw, I have Windows Vista, 64Bit… take that!

hope this helps!

/Arvid Mårtensson

[quote]I click on Hardware “Configuration under” “funktion” for the twntieth time and realize, perhaps it could make a difference if I slow the “hardware delay” down, I mean who wants slow hardware?! :wink:

I put it on “slow” (10) and now everything works like a charm! [/quote]

Yeah, my board is working now ! Thanks to the hardware configuration, and delay set to slow (10) ! :smiley:

I’ve also disabled FIFO buffer in COM1 configuration. Now it’s ok under Vista 32 !..

This also worked perfectly under Windows XP SP2.

Hope they add some additional pic’s to the application as well by the way. But so far… great :smiley:

This didn’t work for me…

I assembled my programmer and i connected it to my pc and it communicates (i can flash the leds from picprog by clicking the lights)

If i try to read from pic it seems to have no problem but if try to write something (even the example demo2.hex) i get an error message box “Error writing to PIC”.

I slowed down the port to 10… no change
I turned off fifo… no change

What else can i do???

I am a pic rookie please help me

Problem with using K8076:

I am trying to program a 16F877A and a 16F876 PIC with the K8076 (self-assembled) and get the following problems:
(using PicProg2009, Windows XP, a 15V DC power supply, a factory made pin-pin serial cable)

a. When checking connection to PC:

  • “K8076 not connected”; this occurs haphazardly - sometimes even after connection had previously established and hardware dataline test successfully ran!

b. When loading a HEX file:

  • “Settings don’t match the PIC in the programmer”; this occurs haphazardly, although the pic family and type selected do indeed match the pic installed in the programmer!

  • “There is no Velleman programmer connected to the PC”; this occurs haphazardly - sometimes even after connection had established and hardware dataline test successfully ran, and even when the “Settings dont’match…” message does not appear!

  • the same loaded HEX file is read differently from time to time

c. When writing a HEX file to the pic:

  • writing and/or verifying fails, haphazardly; the “Error writing to PIC” message occurs at different stages during the writing process, sometimes at the very beggining, sometimes late in the process
  • even when writing seems to be successfully done, PIC does not function as expected;
    even the same PIC with the same HEX file written at different times behaves differently!

d. When trying to assemble the original ASM (written in TASM) file through MPASM v5.20, assembly ends up with many errors; probably the ASM file is not compatible with the current version of MPASM and/or the relevant INC file

For the connection problem, I tried to disable the FIFO buffer on the COM port, but still no permanent solution; sometimes it works, others not. The other viable solution I found is to restart the pc and rerun PicProg, hoping that next time the kit will be found…

I was thinking of:
i. sending you the ASM files I have, asking you to try to assemble new HEX files through MASM, or
ii. sending you all ASM/HEX files, the relevant PIC’s and the Kit, asking you to try to program the PIC’s at your facility

Looking forward to your suggestions about solving the above issues!



further to the erratic behaviour of K8076:

I tried the tip “Hardware Configuraiton”“hardware delay”-> Slow(10) with no result.
I also tried all possible COM adjustments (decreasing baud rate, etc.) with no result.

I even built a new cable according to the Kit’s instructions with no result.

Regarding the cable’s pin connections, the ‘Help’ file of PicProg2009 says that “Pin 9 is not connected in K8076!”, whereas the connection plan on the same help page shows pin 9 connected! Moreover, the connection plan in the printed instructions included with the kit, also shows pin 9 connected, with no other suggestion!
Which is the correct connection, with or without pin 9 connected?

Another observation, is that when the K8076 board is powered and connected to the pc, ALL led lights are on. Is this correct?
When going into ‘Hardware Connections’ mode, only the Green led remains on, while the Red, Orange and Brown leds go off.

Generally, my main comment is that the overall behaviour of the board is erratic and haphazard. I don’t know whether this is due to bad construction of the board by me, bad components, problems with the COM port, or something else, but it is really frustrating…

Please let me know of any further checks I could do to verify that the board is functioning correctly, or of any further adjustments of the COM port.

However, I feel that the best solution is to send the board with the ASM/HEX files and the PIC’s to Velleman, and ask you to test all these components to find out where the problem is and possibly program the PIC’s at your facility…

Kind Regards

After many efforts with using the K8076 with pic16f876 and pic16f877-20 or 877A under WindowsXP, I have experienced that the kit can, in some cases, program succesfully the 16f876, but not the 877-20 or 877A.

After having checked the board for possible faulty connections etc., I would like to ask for directions for returing the Kit to Velleman for a thorough inspection.

In case it is concluded that it definitely cannot program the above mentioned pic’s, I might ask for a refund, since the respective pics appear with a green checksign in the relevant dropdown list.

kind regards