8055 and thermometer or humidity sensor


I just bought the 8055 and have started writing programs for unix.

I would like to know how i connect a thermometer or a humidity sensor to it.

This is thee humidity sensor i have at home

And this is the thermometer

Can I use any of them?

If so how do I connect them?

If I cant use them can you recomend some circuits that i can use?

Thanks for any replies.

The humidity sensor fits very well to the K8055’s analog input .
Just connect its output to the analog input A1 or A2 and connect its minus lead to GND and plus lead to +5V of the card.
Remove the jumpers SK2 and SK3. You’ll find the +5V from the upper pin of SK2 and SK3 pin headers.

The thermometer DS18B20 is not possible to connect to the K80565 due to its digital communication speed requirements.