Having completed the K8200 build, I thought I was getting close to printing something.
After downloading/installing the driver and wasting many hours, I discovered the USB will not connect through a 4 way connector, must be direct (not mentioned anywhere). Having found that, felt quite confident to continue. Connecting the cable lit the two LEDS on the board. As with other posts, powering the board turns the LEDS off, flashes another green LED twice, and the computer makes a sound such as when connecting/disconnecting any device.
The sole answer to posts is to view the Wiki and to set the COM port to 250000, which is not shown as an option in Windows 8.1 (with reset disabled). I would assume both the COM/Repetier port settings must be the same. I have tried setting both the COM port and Repetier at 230400 (the closest common value), but neither did that work. On pressing the Connect button in Repetier all I get is;
(Serial Com Error : System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorRecievedEventArgs).
I must apologise for the previous post. Though I had assumed that both COM port baud rates should be equal, I have obtained a working connection to the K8200 with Repetier on 250000 and the computer port on 230400. I have no idea if that difference may become problematic later, or which takes preference, but I’ll stick with it as long as it works. The COM lights flash, the axis motors move.
Should have just gone with the Wiki direction and not questioned the reason. Now, hopefully, on with problem free configuration.
[quote=“SteveGwaus”]I must apologise for the previous post. Though I had assumed that both COM port baud rates should be equal, I have obtained a working connection to the K8200 with Repetier on 250000 and the computer port on 230400. I have no idea if that difference may become problematic later, or which takes preference, but I’ll stick with it as long as it works. The COM lights flash, the axis motors move.
Should have just gone with the Wiki direction and not questioned the reason. Now, hopefully, on with problem free configuration.[/quote]
The port settings made in the windows printer driver dialog are overwritten by repetier.
Almost any Software sets the port settings on its own needs when opening a serial port.
So it is completely irrelevant what is set in the windows settings.
If, equally as important as stating 250000 be set, the over-riding of the port setting by Repetier had been mentioned in the Connection instructions (and Wiki), it would have saved me (and possibly others) many hours of frustration.
[quote]The port settings made in the windows printer driver dialog are overwritten by repetier.
Almost any Software sets the port settings on its own needs when opening a serial port.
So it is completely irrelevant what is set in the windows settings.[/quote]This is very much correct, and changing the settings in Device Manager is also not mentioned anywhere in the manual, so there is no reason why any user would be changing anything in it