
VM111 purchased from “MAPLIN ELECTRONS” Unable to unzip mini disc.
WINZIP error msge Quote :- Winzip self extractor header corrupt - possible cause bad disc or file transfer error. Is it possible to obtain a telephone No of VELLEMAN to obtain a replacement disc.

You can download the software from: velleman.be/be/en/download/files/

Download the K8048 software. K8048_2_3_2.zip

(The K8048 is the kit version of the VM111.)

You can also download and use the K8076 software: picprog2006.zip

{from another forum user, not on behalf of Velleman}


I too have a VM111 kit. Of course, things may have changed since I bought and installed it, but the minidisc that came with mine did not need to be unzipped to use it - it was simply a data CD with a collection of folders related to different modules. One of the folders is titled “K8048_VM111 Pic programmer”, and in that folder are a Readme, a PDF brochure about the board, and a .exe installer, as well as another sub-folder of documentation.

Hope that might help you get started -

Attn Deejay, Leicester,UK
Many thanks for your prompt response. Problem solved. Very simple
really, I had omitted to insert the hard drive designation (“C”) in the
address box, ie C:\VELLEMAN\K8048. Feel a real dunder head.
Kind regards
John (King’s Lynn, Norfolk UK)

Many thanks indeed for your prompt response and for the download
addresses. Congratulations on a really good system
John King’s Lynn Norfolk UK