recently i have purchased the VM111 to program the PIC16F873A. When everything is connected correctly,eg. serial port, SW5 on Program mode, 12VDC supply. When start to write the codes into the PIC, "k8404 not found at COM1’ pop up. I have checked the device manager on my laptop, it showing the communication port (COM1), looks normal.
I also tried this vm111 on other laptops and destop, the similar error message is pop up.
Can anyone help me on this problem, i have been checking for every connections, but look like nothing wrong. The default setting for bits per second is 9600, is this a correct setting?
{from another forum user, not on behalf of Velleman.}
Since this is a pre-built module, let’s assume it was in working condition when Velleman shipped it, so we don’t have to worry about assembly errors.
There is much discussion of this problem in similar threads on this forum, but perhaps the following will help:
are you using a 9-pin data cable that has straight-through connections on pins 3,4,5,7,8,9?
does the serial port on the host PC (laptop or desktop) have ‘hardware handshaking’ enabled - typically by being 16550 compliant?
are you sure the serial port on the host PC (laptop or desktop) is actually Com1?
is there any other software (modem connection, or PDA sync) that might be occupying Com1?
Good luck -
Dear sir,
The baudrate setting doesn’t matter. Please can you first test with the included PIC16F627 and let us know if this is working.
Attn: do not use USB “converter” to serial port.
i have tried to use the pic16f627, but i still facing the same problem.
I’m using the rs232 that come together with the vm111 package (9 pins), how can icheck whether the serial port on the host laptop have ‘hardware handskaking’ enable?
I have checked that no other software is occupied the COM1.
what other possible faulty do you recommend?
[quote=“smartGPX”]are you sure the serial port on the host PC (laptop or desktop) is actually Com1?
is there any other software (modem connection, or PDA sync) that might be occupying Com1?[/quote]
Your mouse might appear as COM1. Try COM2.
the problem is solved. It actually came from the pre-built RS232 cable. Thank you