VM110N - C#-Communication-Thread break after 1-2 Days

Dear Sir or Madam,

I use the VM110N for analog output and digital input with a C#-program on a Win 7 Embedded PC. Everything works fine after starting the program, but after 1-2 Days the Communication-Thread have a break by analog reading or digital writing without an Exception. I try also an reinitialization every one minute, but this function will also break by SearchDevice() or OpenDevice() after 1-2 Days without an Exception.

The Communication-Thread will run continue after an VM110N-USB hardware reconnect or an USB-Stick plug in. I hope that you can help me, please. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

M. Grösel

If the card is opened using SearchDevice() or OpenDevice() repeatedly without closing, this may cause possible handle leak.
If this is the case, you may try to use the SearchDevice() or OpenDevice() only once.