Velleman Support Texas

At Christmas time 2014 I put together two 5x5x5 cube LED Cube ( both received Christmas gifts). Well the first did not work and the second I needed a couple of blue LEDS that were sent to finish project as mentioned in my posts with Cubeanimator setup trouble . The first one I sent it back to Velleman Texas 1/2/2015 for repair after contacting Velleman representative on the problem with it . I have talked with the rep there again a month ago that they are working on it… It has been over 2 months now? How long should I expect it to be there before it is repaired. I have tested the LED cube on my other cube and it works. I need the electronics board back so I will have two working cubes. If they can’t repair it will it be replaced with another kit? I only need the bottom board and components… Thank you

We’d suggest to call our Texas office at (817) 284 77 85.