Using PSCU1000 on main

I need an oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer to measure noice on the mains voltage (230V). The input voltage of the PSCU1000 is specified to max 30V, but my believe is that you with a 10:1 probe can increase this to 300V. However I would like this to be confirmed before I buy. I know there are security issues regarding this, which needs to be carefully observed, but in principle, is it possible to connect the PSCU1000 directly to the mains voltage, with a 10:1 probe?

The max 30V is for safety reasons to avoid measuring live voltages.
If you look the probe specifications there is no problem. It is specified up to 600V. … p?id=19217

I think you know very well the danger:
The GND of the scope probe is directly connected via the oscilloscope and the USB cable to the PC’s ground and to mains earth (ground).
If you by mistake connect the ground lead of the scope probe to the live conductor then a very high current will flow through the oscilloscope ground to the PC’s USB connector. This may destroy both the PCSU1000 oscilloscope and your PC.

Better to use isolation transformer or an optically isolated oscilloscope PCS500.

See also the thread: [

Thanks for your answer. I am aware of those risks, yes. Just a follow up question though. When you say that the max 30V is for safety reasons only, does that mean that you can set the probe even to 1:1 without endangering the scope?

Be careful: Altough the scope is equipped with internal clamping diodes, we do not recommend to connect unknown voltages. These voltages can damage the input circuit of the scope. If the voltage you wish to measure is unknown, you should always set the probe to ‘x10’.

I meant that if you have 10:1 probe then it is safety reasons only that you can measure only 30V max.
You can measure 300V with 10:1 probe if you are very careful.
It is recommended not to exceed 30V at the scope input.
Anyhow, due to the overvoltage protection circuits at the inputs of the scope it doesn’t break immediately if you exceed 30V, even on the most sensitive 5mV/div range.