I am using the K8048 Pic Programming board and need to program the 16F876A, but this controller is not available from the drop down list of micros in the Progpic2.exe program that came with my kit.
What should I do? Has anyone been able to program any of the “A” chips such as the 16F873A or the 16F876A?
The ‘A’ version has another protocol and are not the same.
So if the software doesn’t support this part, you can’t program it.
You can always use our K8076 software, this one support this PIC.
I did a memory dump after I burned to the microcontroller and i see that every 8th instruction word is written correctly (ie. corresponds to the hex file of my compiled assembley file). However, every other instruction word is written as 3FFF (ie. all 1’s for a 14 word byte).
I agree with stt585, the K8048 does support ( or should support) the PIC16F876A, as stated in the documentation. The K8076 does NOT support the PIC16F876A (also when connecting the K8048 to the new software and selecting K8048 comapible the 876A stays yellow).
( i have both the produkt )
I have the same problem, see below the readback of the progged memory. Used the readback option.