When in the transient recorder mode, only times >= 1 sec/div are correctly recorded.
When selecting a time < 1 sec/div, the transient recorder is always falling back to 1 sec/div.
How to set times < 1 sec/div?
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When in the transient recorder mode, only times >= 1 sec/div are correctly recorded.
When selecting a time < 1 sec/div, the transient recorder is always falling back to 1 sec/div.
How to set times < 1 sec/div?
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In transient recorder mode the highest sample rate 100 samples/sec is achieved at 1 sec/div range. The range 1 sec/div is used to monitor the recording process when a range <1 sec/div is selected. This way you can see the whole record on the screen. When the recording process is complete the display returns to the selected <1 sec/div range and displays the zoomed waveform on the screen.
This is normal operation and there is no loss of data due to the use of 1 sec/div display mode during the recording process.
Thanks for this info, clear now.
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