The Message-Board K8101 can´t Connect with my Win7-64 PC


My English is not so good.
The K8101-Kid doesn´t connect with my Win7-64 PC, but it connect with my Vista32 Laptop!
When I connect it with my PC, there are not question for Driver and it isn´t find in the Drive-Manager.

Where is my Problem?
Came someone help?



Have you followed these instructions?

If so, it might be the USB cable. Try different ones as well as different USB ports.



There are no Reaction on my PC!!
I have tested cheap and expensive cable and all USB-Ports + HUB :-((
On my HUB the Indicator LED for the Port, where the Kit is connected, are not lightning!


Hello Jan

Thank You for your help.
I have not found the problem, but I have connect the kit on an old USB-HUB
and these HUB an my PC.
What do I say??

The Massege-Board K8101 is connected to my PC!!



[quote=“bleiplombe”]Hello Jan

Thank You for your help.
I have not found the problem, but I have connect the kit on an old USB-HUB
and these HUB an my PC.
What do I say??

The Massege-Board K8101 is connected to my PC!!




let me summarize to verify if I understood that correct. The display functions with the new Win7 PC when you use an old hub, but not directly connected or with a new hub. It does also function with your old Vista laptop, directly connected or with hub.

If that is correct I would say that your new PC has problematic USB ports.

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[quote=“MostlyHarmless”][quote=“bleiplombe”]Hello Jan

Thank You for your help. I did try to read the [color=#4B5C77]page[/color] that you gave me, but I still have some issues.
I have not found the problem, but I have connect the kit on an old USB-HUB
and these HUB an my PC.
What do I say??

The Massege-Board K8101 is connected to my PC!!




let me summarize your [color=#4B5C77]situation[/color] to make sure I understood it correctly. The display functions with the new Win7 PC when you use an old hub, but not directly connected or with a new hub. It does also function with your old Vista laptop, directly connected or with hub.

If that is correct I would say that your new PC has problematic USB ports. You may need to [color=#4B5C77]contact[/color] the manufacturer.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

So ultimately this entire issue comes down to problematic USB ports from the best of your knowledge?

I think the fact that it works with a hub rules out driver compatibility issues and assembly mistakes on the board itself.

Note that “new PC” doesn’t necessarily mean “better components than old PC”.

Do you have any alternative explanations?
