Sampling rate in transient recorder mode

PCSU1000. I like it well thought out etc.

Request (or have I missed a setting).

When in transient record mode why on slow speed (say 100s per div) is the sampling rate changed. If I am waiting for a rare event that lasts 1mS I cannot view it. PC memory is not a restriction is it? There must be a reason.

And why not have slow timebases in oscilloscope mode?


In recorder mode every sample is forwarded to the PC via the USB link. This takes time and the maximum sample rate in recorder mode is 100 samples/sec. To keep the file size reasonable in ‘Auto Save Data’ mode the sample rate is reduced on slow speed ranges.

In oscilloscope mode there is no slow speed ranges because the idea is that the recorder can be used for viewing slow speed signals.

No trigger in transient mode and no slow timebase in scope mode both would be nice to have.

I do not understand how the sample rate is limited to 100 sample a second. A byte will provide 256 bit resolution that is more than adequate vertical resolution. Is the USB limited by a software driver?

USB 1 in low speed is 1.5Mb/s or about 150KB/sec way beyond the 100 samples/sec quoted.

That said I was not wanting to enter into an exchange of figures but a request for a more useful transient recorder that could at least resolve a 1ms pulse. The size of file in not an issue at 1KB/s 1 GB would store 270 hours. 10KB/s would store 27 hours but you could set a maximum file size perhaps. NEVER THE LESS thanks for taking the time to reply. Chris

Indeed, the slow timebase for the scope should be considered for the next releases of the software.
About the transient recorder speed: Your calculations show that higher speed may be possible than the 100 S/sec. In older PCs the display update and all the data processing needed is also limiting the speed. The speed is now anyhow on the safe area. Maybe that can be increased in the future…
Thank you for your comments and suggestions to improve the PCSU1000 oscilloscope.