Can the PIC16F54C be programmed by the WM-111(k8048)?
The device is listed and software assembled using the MPASMWIN.EXE
without any problem.
However it is not listed when using PROGPIC2.
What can be done?
Thank you.
Can the PIC16F54C be programmed by the WM-111(k8048)?
The device is listed and software assembled using the MPASMWIN.EXE
without any problem.
However it is not listed when using PROGPIC2.
What can be done?
Thank you.
This PIC can not be programmed with the ProgPIC software.
PIC16F54 is listed in the PICprog2006 software with the K8076 programmer.
You can try (we doesn’t have tested) with the PICprog2006 software (downloadable from our website).
Attn. Select K8048 compatibility mode.