I have a problem with my PCS500 scoop.
When measuring an signal, the read-out on the scoop is correct until I change the sensitivity lower then 0,15V/div?!
On channel 2 the read-out is still correct but on channel 1 the read-out
is to low:
Input signal 1V (0,35VRMS)
0,5V/div - CH1 = 0,35V and CH2 = 0,35V
0,15V/div - CH1 = 0,166V and CH2 = 0,351V
Input signal 0,5V (0,18VRMS)
0,5V/div - CH1 = 0,18V and CH2 = 0,18V
0,15V/div - CH1 = 0,083V and CH2 = 0,177V
50mV/div - CH1 = 83,1mV and CH2 = 0ff-scale