Problem calling FGUILINK.dll from Labview

I try to integrate an interface for the frequency settings of the PCGU1000 in Labview to control the flowrate of a pump. Therefore I use the Call Library Function Node in Labview to open the Procedure StartGen() in the dll. After calling StartGen() the FGU.exe starts and GUI appears. But after that, a popup with “I/O error 103” is opened and the PCGU1000 won’t react on any input until the power was plugged off and plugged on again.

This error only occurs when I try to start the generator from Labview. Everything works fine with pc-lab2003se and when I run the fgu.exe under Windows. The FGUILINK.dll is located in the System32 Folder of Windows.

My Call Library Function Node can be seen at:

I also tried to change the settings in the Call Library Function Node but nothing changed.

Does anybody know a solution or a reason for this error?

Thanks a lot,


The reason to this I/O error 103 is that the FGU.EXE can’t find the file fgu1000.bit.
Normally the file fgu1000.bit is found if it is in the same folder as the FGU.EXE.

Thank you for your fast reply, but I copied all files of the package in System32 including the fgu1000.bit and FGU.exe. So this can’t be the reason for the I/O error 103. Do you have other solution ideas?

I made a test: I moved the files fgu1000.bit, FGULINK.dll and FGU.exe to the System32 folder.
Then I run the FGULink_demo.exe from another folder.
I got the I/O error 103.

It seems that you have to put all these three files to some other folder where the Labview has access.

Thank you for your help. When I start the FGUILINK.DLL in an other directory than system32 which contains all needed files it works fine.

This is good news for me too - thank you for the reply!
It is also nice and interesting that PCGU1000 can be run from within LabVIEW too!


I am also trying to control the PGCU1000 via Labview, It’s running ok with the PC Lab soft, but it’s not working with the Labview software. I have two concerns:

  • where do I have to put the necessary files (wich ones are they??). I put the FGULINK.dll inside my labview driver
  • I don’t have any description in the pdf help file for function such like OpenGen, AttOn… where can I find that? (I found some drivers on the velleman site, are they up to date?)

Thanks in advance for your help

The PDF contains the description of the functions of the last released version of the FGULINK.DLL. This version is available from Velleman web site.

For the test version of the FGULINK you can find some instructions in this thread:

The driver from Velleman site is the original one and is OK for the FGULINK.DLL test version too.

If your PCGU1000 generator works OK with then PcLab2000SE there is no need to update the driver.

You can download the latest FGULINK beta test version from this link:

I think you have to copy all the four files of the package to a folder where Labview has access to (but not to Windows\System32 folder).

You may first test the package by running the FGULink_Demo.exe in this folder.
If you are using Vista then you have to select “Run as Administrator”

Thanks, it’s working now, I had a sequential problem regarding the use of DLL functions!
Now it’s clear!

I am trying to get a PCGU1000 to operate via Labview 8.6 on a Vista operating system. I have seen all the other posts with a similar project and have copied all the files from the most recent FGULink.dll package into a folder Labview can access (not Windows/System32). However when I try to call the functions from Labview it seems to do absolutely nothing and reports no errors.

I have installed the latest drivers for use in Vista and the PClab software and demo work fine (when I right click and Run as Administrator).

Any suggestions?


One suggestion: You have to call the OpenGen function to get the FGULink.DLL to respond any further function calls.
If you then call GenReady or GenStatus, do you get any response?

I am calling the OpenGen function and wait 3 seconds for good measure and then read the GenStatus which gives me ‘0’. The Generator window never pops up (and the ShowGen = 1 in the *.ini).

  • And everything works fine if you run the FGULink_demo.exe in this folder containing the files FGU.exe FGULINK.dll fgu1000.bit and FGen1000.ini ?

BTW: I had to run the FGULink_demo.exe “Run as Administrator” in Vista to get the generator working.
This is just in case if the UAC is on.

But it seems that in your case the DLL doesn’t get the FGU.exe running at all for some reason.

It is all dependent on the location of the *.dll and associated files. I had them with other Labview files, however it only worked for me when I located the fgulink files on the root. Thanks.