Printed parts are not the right size

Ichbinsnur has a very good point.
You may also want to check the gears to make sure they are not to close and binding.
Check the nut on the hobbit bolt make sure it’s not to tight as well.

I have adjusted all stepper drivers on 0,55volt

It looks better now, but i can still not get the values right.
The values are not stable either.

I have uploaded a new video:

Is the motor stil losing steps?

I have also checked the bolts, and are not tight.

Looks like its extruding more even now. (with the stock hotend it is quite hard to get a really stable extrusion.)

As you use white filament, try to set the hotend to 200°c and watch if it goes smoother then.
White filaments tend to need a little more temp.
Check if your flow rate is set to 100% in repetier. (just to make sure)



Where can i find the flowrate in repetier?
I can not find it

Look here :

Stupid of me,
Was looking on the wrong place.

I see now that my flowrate is 100.

maybe i must look next month to a new extruder, i read good things about a e3d v6 hotend.

And i see that you use a newer version repetier
I use the velleman repetier, can i upgrade to a newer version, and also a newer version of slic3r?
i reed on the velleman site that they don’t support newer versions.

Just go and download the actuyl repetier Host from their website :

You can use it without problems.
Additionally you get the included CuraEngine slicer, thst is much faster and most times gives even better results.

I use CuraEngine for slicing for allmost any parts now.

By the way, did you try with 200°c?



Yes i have tried 200 degrees.
Not much different.

Every time i try, i get another distence.
But i can’t get the distance on exact 100mm
It varies between 90mm and 105mm

Remember that changing hot-end temperature in Slic3r does not work if you have an M109 in your custom start code (it’s there by default in the Velleman custom setup).

Also, don’t assume that your hot-end temperature is reading correctly.

I have stopped to calibrate the extruder, i don’t get it right.

Also tried the Cura slicer, but it doesn’t work for me.
Tried the default cura setting, which are given on this forum. placed the setting in cura, but is not a good print.
In the beginning of the print it looks like there is to little filament.

Also tried the cura slicer in the newest repetier host, but it is almost the same, very bad prints.
I cannot load the config.ini in the cura slicer in repetier host, in repetier it must be another file.
There are to many settings for a beginner to get it right.

The slic3r Slicer is working wel.

Maybe this has someting to do with the extruder calibrations.

Yes, it sure has.

If you like i can post a link to my cura engine profiles for repetier.
They are calibrated for my e3d, but it will give you at least a starting point.
Just change to 0.5 nozzle size, and try.

Thats Fine,
Then i have a starting point.

My settings for printing blue pla

cura engine profile pla 0.4mm E3d v6.rcp … 6.rcp?dl=0
cura engine setting pla filament blue.rcf … e.rcf?dl=0

Thanks again,

I will try your settings, and then try to tweak them suiteable for the standard k8200.

I see dat your temperature for blue PLA is very high 245 degrees, is that normal?

You should use a way lower temp!

I fiddled that temp out working best with that particular filament and the e3d 0.4 nozzle printing at 60mm/s

It looks good,
the first print is way better then the original settings.
lowered the temperature to 200 and 50

Only the first layer was very thin, with a lot of blobs.

Now you have something to start from!

Did you remember to set the nozzle size to 0.5mm



No i don’t, stupid.
Now i have

the first rounds round the object are very thin, later it becomes better.
now there a 2 rounds round the object, is it possible to create more?
This can be set in slic3r but i cannot find it in cura.

Looking trough the settings i found in the printer settings also a nozzle diameter.
This was set to 0.4 now changed to 0.5

No i don’t, stupid.
Now i have

the first rounds round the object are very thin, later it becomes better.
now there a 2 rounds round the object, is it possible to create more?
This can be set in slic3r but i cannot find it in cura.

Looking trough the settings i found in the printer settings also a nozzle diameter.
This was set to 0.4 now changed to 0.5[/quote]

I set the nozzle diameter in curaengine on the Extrusion Tab of Print settings.
That makes it ignore the nozzle size set in repetier.

The Brim( around the object and attached to it to make it better stick) and Skirt (around the object and NOT attached to it)
settings are under Print on the Structures Tab.

