PIC12F629 fails after second programming

I recently programmed a PIC12F629 and found that it worked first time round. The program uses the internal oscillator. I needed to fine-tune the code and tried to program it a second time. The programmer replied with “No PIC inserted” and there was no way I could get it to program.

I used PICProg2006 to erase the PIC, erasing program, code and memory.

Loaded ProgPIC again and programmed the PIC with no apparent problems. One problem though, now the PIC does not work in the circuit. Looks as if it does not initialise correctly.

The exact same thing has now happened to 2 PIC’S !!


Same problem here. I program a 12F629 with internal OSC and MCLR disabled. And seem to be unable to reprogram the PIC. Already wasted 8 of them. It seems te be able to reprogram when I enable MCLR (but I need that pin for other purposes).


I managed to solve my problem.

Apparently PICPROG2006 erases the calibration of the internal oscilator, causing the PIC to not initialise and function properly.

I managed to solve the problem by adding the following code prior to initialisation:

retlw 0x80

You can also review the following thread:

To erase, I use PICPROG2006. To program, I use ProgPic.

Please let me know if this helps.


I just see that my problem is slightly different, I don’t seem to be able to erase/programm/read the PICs after programming them once… You seemed to be able to erase.


Please try using the same software as I have been. I also had difficulty erasing the PIC with ProgPIC and had to use PICProg2006.

Then again, I was not able to program with ProgPIC and had to use PICProg2006.


I did try both applications. no success

I recently purchased a new pre-assembled K8048 and after carefully setting it up according to instructions it failed to perform. I have studied the problems
listed on this forum and applied all the tests and remedies suggested including
the use of both laptop and desktop computers using XP and Win2000 operating systems.
I’ve tried both Progpic2 and PicProg2006 and the only inteligent response
the board has given is in one instance it flagged it’s presence, but refused to go anything further. The Run feature using the pre programmed PICF627
seems to operate OK.
My question is: Is this equipment worth persevering with or must I look for
an alternative more expensive programmer.
Many Thanks.

Hi David,

These programmers arent all that bad. Keeping it or returning it all depends on what you want to use them for.

If you will be using them occasionally (like myself) one can live with the drawbacks and quirks. If you will be getting into serious PIC programming I would suggest you look for an alternative programmers.

Like other users of this forum, I am disappointed in that the Administrators of the forum are not more involved in providing feedback and solutions. After all, it is the CUSTOMER SERVICE one receive that determines your satisfaction with a product.


The problem with the internal oscillator is well-known but canot be resolved on the K8048 board because the 5VDC power line canot be disconnected from the pic in PROG mode!!

For the K8076 board there is a solution build in the PicProg2006 program.

[url]Programming the PIC16F627A for a 2nd time]

Velleman K8048 /15V DC
I have 30 brand new PIC12F629 and for every one i get a write error at Address 0000…ect.
Only at the first time i used the Kit i can program one PIC12F629 for two times and since i turned my Computer off the Kit dont Work fore me.
Also i have tryed a many other programs like WinPic ect. and every time i get a programming error.
I do not want to buy a new Kit becouse this is the second Velleman K8048 i used.For the first Kit was the SW5 broken and can´t move in any position.So i get a new one and this Time the SW5 work and i have to program the PIC12F629 for to times.But yet i try it for three weeks and have buyed new Pics and nothink work.
So i think i will buy a better programmer this will also be fixe the problem :evil:

One picture tells a thousand words…

(link expired)

[quote=“VEL982”]The problem with the internal oscillator is well-known but canot be resolved on the K8048 board because the 5VDC power line canot be disconnected from the pic in PROG mode!!

For the K8076 board there is a solution build in the PicProg2006 program.

[url]Programming the PIC16F627A for a 2nd time][/quote]

Oh boy! do i wish i had of known this 1 year ago! i have wasted so much time because of this problem

Question, why is there an 8 pin socket on the K8948 board if there are these known issues?