Is " trigger source EXT" adjustable as sources CH1 and CH2?
Yes, the EXT triggering level is adjustable too.
What synchronization level (in V) is if trigger slider down (and set CH1 =2V/Div, CH2=5mV/Div, Source trigrer = EXt)?
The triggering occurs in that case about at -2V level of the EXT input.
The EXT triggering level is independent of the Volt/Div settings of the input channels CH1 and CH2.
How can I adjust level ov external trigger? I have a sygnal, rising from 3.3 to 4 Volts and sloping down again. If I measure it on a channel and triggering by this channel, all is fine, but how to tune external trigger to do the same?
You have connected the signal to the Ext Trig input, selected the trigger source Ext, put triggering on and click Run button.
Then carefully adjust the Trigger Level slider upwards until the triggering occurs.
The Ext trigger level adjustment range is about from -1V to about +4.5V. Your signal is in that range and should trigger the scope.
You may easily check the Ext triggering by connecting a triangle wave about 10Vpp both to the CH1 and to Ext inputs. Select triggering source Ext and adjust the triggering level. You’ll see on the screen on what voltage level the triggering occurs. Use the triggering position marker at the bottom of the screen as a reference point.
Here an example screenshot: