PCSU1000 FFT points

Hi, before buying PCSU1000 I have explored a demo mode of PClabSE. So, here is a simple question: at demo mode PCSU1000 Spectroanalyzer has 255 FFT points at all sampling modes- in a datasheet FFT 2048 lines are mentioned- is it right that PClabSE software will provide only 256 FFT points of waveform recieved from PCSU1000 hardware?


The FFT calculation is based on the 4096 samples received from the acquisition memory of the scope to the PC. The FFT calculation result contains 2048 individual data points, that is FFT lines.
To display the whole spectrum on the screen it has to be compressed and adjacent samples are combined by averaging. In the PCSU1000’s zoom mode x2 and above there are 325 data points displayed on the screen. If you use the zoom function of the FFT display then all individual data points can be displayed. Use the scroll bar below the spectrum display to select the displayed portion of the data.
If you save the data to file then only the displayed portion of the data is saved.