hello all ,
my system doesn’t have any isa slots and no printer port , so i bought i pci lpt card.
only the software does not see the pcs32 …
any idee’s
thanks , arnold
hello all ,
my system doesn’t have any isa slots and no printer port , so i bought i pci lpt card.
only the software does not see the pcs32 …
any idee’s
thanks , arnold
What are the LPT port address alternatives of your PCI card?
Is any of the 378, 278 or 3BC available?
You’ll find the address from Windows’ Device Manager:
Accessing the device manager
Windows XP:
Windows 2000:
thnks , but i can’t seem to change to adress range.
now it is 9c00 .
but there i noticed that my system already has an lpt1 with 3f8 adress
only no connector , so i only have to plug in the connector.
thanks , arnold
Is the LPT port I/O start address really 3f8 ?
Should be 378.
If 378, then you can use it (after adding the connector) for yout PCS32 scope.
sorry meant 378…
so just have to find the connector cable…
thnks , arnold