Pcs32 scope on pci printer card problems

hello all ,

my system doesn’t have any isa slots and no printer port , so i bought i pci lpt card.

only the software does not see the pcs32 …

any idee’s

thanks , arnold

What are the LPT port address alternatives of your PCI card?

Is any of the 378, 278 or 3BC available?

You’ll find the address from Windows’ Device Manager:

Accessing the device manager

Windows XP:

  1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
  2. If your computer is set up in Classic view using the more familiar Start menu, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Double-click System.
  4. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.
  5. Click the “+” sign next to the “Ports”.
  6. Double-click “Printer Port (LPTx)”.
  7. Click the Resources tab to see the Input/Output start address.

Windows 2000:

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings, then Control Panel.
  2. Double-click System.
  3. Select the Hardware tab, and then click the Device Manager.
  4. Click the “+” sign next to the “Ports”.
  5. Double-click “Printer Port (LPTx)”.
  6. Click the Resources tab to see the Input/Output start address.

thnks , but i can’t seem to change to adress range.
now it is 9c00 .

but there i noticed that my system already has an lpt1 with 3f8 adress :smiley:
only no connector , so i only have to plug in the connector.

thanks , arnold

Is the LPT port I/O start address really 3f8 ?
Should be 378.

If 378, then you can use it (after adding the connector) for yout PCS32 scope.

sorry meant 378…
so just have to find the connector cable…

thnks , arnold