PCMCIA RS232 for laptop

I wonder if someone can perhaps help me. I bought a new laptop and it has no serial port. Will a PCMCIA RS232 serial port work for the K8048 board? I don’t want to buy it and find out it doesn’t work.

Hope someone can help.


No, I think not. It will only work with a ‘real’ RS232 port.

Thank you for the answer. If it doesn’t work I’ll rather not buy it. Maybe I can first do a “test run”.

Thanks again.

I have a laptop with a PCMCIA RS232 adapter and it works with the 8076 pic programmer
PCMCIA RS232 adapter link sunix.com.tw/it/en/Product_D … d=0&sid=23

im able to program the PIC16F628 and PIC16F628A
i’m curently using picprog
( COM Settings hardware delay 9 or more :wink: )

Thank you very much for the information. I’m not programming at the moment as I have other commitments, but I will look into it.