PCLAB2000SE - Other software active


Having now had a couple of weeks to play with my new PCSU1000 scope and iron out some teething problems i originally had, the scope software has given up on me.

Every time i run the software it notifies me that other PCSU1000 software may be active and simultaneous use may cause problems. If i run it anyway the software hangs indefinitely.

I have no idea what has caused this, obviously i am only running one copy of the software. I’ve tried re-installing the software and drivers a few times, clearing all the velleman software and driver related registry entries, and of course powering everything down completely only to find the same problem every time i start it.

Please help, i am getting most frustrated with this unit. Lets hope its a simple fix.

Many thanks for your help.

The situation seems to have changed. After leaving the unit unplugged for about half an hour, i no longer get the error message about other active software. Instead the software runs, displays the blue ‘Loading’ message then hangs.

Most frustrating.

Which version of windows are you using?

The WinDSO.INI file holds the information that the PCSU1000.EXE is running. If the program was abnormally closed then this information is not deleted and next time you run the program it informs you that other instance of the PCSU1000.EXE may be running.
Maybe due to the program crash the WinDSO.INI is corrupted and wrong initialization data is read at the program startup.
So, delete the WinDSO.INI and then run the PC_LAB2000SE program.

Thanks for the suggestion. Next time i have the problem i will give this a go for sure!

Strangely this time around i found that leaving the unit powered down and disconnected for 30-40 minutes seemed to resolve the problem. I had the same problem the very first time i used the scope, immediately after removing the packaging… and the same solution presented itself before i made a phone call to my supplier.

I guess i’ll have to see how things go and post back next time.

To answer your question VEL456: Running Windows XP Service Pack 2.