Tried installing pclab software v3.05 and install froze up. Now I can’t uninstall. Gives error DeIsL.isu is not valid or corrupted. Any help word be great.
Tried installing pclab software v3.05 and install froze up. Now I can’t uninstall. Gives error DeIsL.isu is not valid or corrupted. Any help word be great.
Have you tried to reinstall it? Does the install software froze up again if you try?
One solution is to install the software to other PC and copy the folder \PC-Lab2000SE and its subfolders to your PC. Copy all .DLL and .SYS files to \Windows\System32 folder too.
Yes i tried to reinstall it. I did find a solution though. I had the 2000se installed on another CPU. Copied and pasted the DeIsL.isu file from other
CPU to laptop and I was able to uninstall. Reinstalled and is working now.