Whenever I try to upload some projects from mstracey.btinternet.co.uk/pi … ogtut3.htm
I always get a warning message from the programming software(Progpic 2) that there is no config file. What is a config file and what should i do??
[quote=“airman00”]Whenever I try to upload some projects from mstracey.btinternet.co.uk/pi … ogtut3.htm
I always get a warning message from the programming software(Progpic 2) that there is no config file. What is a config file and what should i do??[/quote]
{from another forum user, not on behalf of Velleman.}
1] I think you will get better support by taking this query to the forums at www.microchip.com - it is about programming for the PICmicro, whereas the Velleman ‘programmer’ is for burning the resulting code into the microcontroller chip.
2] at the top of the page you cite it says “Don’t try and compile and program your PIC with the listings here, as they are examples only.”
The Progpic2 chip burning software expects a .HEX file as input - I can’t see where you got such a file from that page.
3] the config WORD (not file) describes the particular PIC you are trying to burn - it is input to the MPASM compiler, not to the Progpic2 chip-burning s/w. But the latter will detect if the result of that config is not present in the .HEX file
Our ProgPIC and PICprog2006 software uses for the controller configuration the CONFIG parameters added by the MPASM compiler for Microchip (also part of MPLAB).
You add this info the your ASM file by the “__CONFIG” command.
Please view one of our example files how to do it.