My K8048 is connected to a $40 USB to Serial cable, Now What

My K8048 is connected to a $40 USB to Serial cable, Now What!

Somehow I can’t find the “abc’s” or the steps to write,
a script, then load the chip… etc

Ok, I am a noobie, where do I start?

My Labtop detects the serial and the device…
I just don’t know what to do software and programming wise.


Grey Space

Be careful: The K8048 is NOT compatible with a USB to serial converter, you need a genuine serial port.

Hi All:

You guessed it, I don’t have a Serial port on my Laptop.

All the Leds act as they should, and if the manual is correct
I would hope my kit is correct.

Not! Oh well, I compiled the Demo1 with no errors.
There shouldn’t be I didn’t touch it, LOL
Then I configured my USB to Serial to Com2.
Ran the program to program the chip and received…

Write Error at: 0000
Wrote: 280A
Read: 3FFF

Ok, I didn’t read much since I didn’t understand what
I was reading. But, I didn’t find what the error code

OH, I forgot I using a 12V 300ma - --C-- + transformer
that I had…

Is that bad?

Thank you,

Hopefully I get this thing going,

Question: Does anyone know where I can find information
on the above error code?



I am over 45 years old and I can get this toy working… lol

I didn’t write the software, but I guess that might give some read/write problems… :slight_smile:

The software itself won’t complain since it can’t know that it’s a fake serial port, but the reads/writes might fail.