Got myself an mk133 assembled and it did work… after shorting led5 (cut off its leg after welding) nothing functions anyolonger
It seems that i get power from 2 ways as all pushbuttons have volts on both ends. Resistance of 1 side is 10.13 ohm on one pole of each button and 8.13 ohm on the other.
Seems the pressing a button does not connect but creates a short circuit instead, am I correct push buttons should have power on one side and if so which resistance would be applicable by design(or in other words which one should reveal the short circuit cause)?
Thanks in advance for any help, I don`t see any visible causes and are totaly puzzled.
Sorry, your post is very confusing.
Anyway, most likely an assembly issue is at the cause of troubles.
Can you post LINKS to SHARP and HI-RES pictures of BOTH SOLDER and COMPONENT side of your kit, so that we can take a look?
I can put the project under the scanner next weekend at first so I’m going to try to explain it differently.
Problem was initially that the LEDs were installed wrong, did swap the poles 1 by 1 and tested each button with success ( each immediately after swapping the led associated to that button) . Once the 5th was tested I did shorten/cut-of the legs of the 5th led and all of a sudden the card does not work at all. So the question is basically how can I verify/measure where my problem is.
If I understand the diagram correctly I suppose I should look at the reset-button area (C1, T1 or T6) but I can find the cause and have no idea how to measure these components.