MK129: Really strange behavior

I assembled the kit (using my new Ersa i-Con nano soldering station) without problem, but am experiencing really strange behavior in the wobble mode.

In straight-ahead mode, it works fine: it steps ahead in a straight line. Both motors pulse at the same rate, and the sensitivity pots do a fine job of calibrating the LDRs’ sensitivity, so it walks toward light as expected. (Edit: See notes in next post.)

In the wobble mode, it goes in circles. The left motor (controlled by LDR2, T5/6/8) turns essentially constantly, at a pulse rate obviously higher than that of the other side. Only if LDR2 goes completely dark does the left motor stop turning, allowing the bug to re-target the light, but as soon as it gets any light on LDR2, it goes in circles again. LED2 shows that it’s running at a far higher rate than LED1.

I began by measuring the values of all the components with a multimeter, and everything checks out. Without knowing the nominal values for various test points, it’s hard to say whether I’ve tested thoroughly.

Now here’s where it gets interesting: While testing with the scope, I also noticed that the motors produce massive amounts of noise into the circuits (spikes many times higher than the +3V rail, about 60Vpp!). If I use my hand to stop the motors from turning, everything goes back to more or less clean square waves, and the power going to the two motors is the same (180˚ out of phase, of course).

With the motors held down to stop them turning, everything in the circuit tests as I would expect it to, and it behaves correctly. But let the motors run, and it goes berserk!

If I use a jumper to put both motors in parallel (so they always run at the same time), the bug goes in a straight line in either mode. (Pulsed in straight-ahead mode, continuously in wobble mode.)

What can I do to fix it?


Additional test: If I use jumpers to bridge across each LDR, both modes work as expected (it goes in a straight line), so I assume this means the motor drive circuits are fine.

Also, I’m not sure that my statement in the original post is totally correct about it working fine in straight mode: it does move straight ahead, but LED2 still lights more brightly, making me think that LDR2 and its circuit triggers more easily than LDR1 and its circuit. I have no way of knowing which one is working correctly, however.

Difficult to solve without being able to examine your kit.
What if you swap both motor connectors, does it still turn in a circle but the other way round?
This would indicate that there is a difference between two motors.

Regarding the noise, this is normal.
If it bothers you, you could add a 100nF cap in parallel with each motor.

With the motors reversed, it goes in circles in the other direction, but the effect is not as extreme.

I just installed the capacitors in parallel with the motors (just replaced the wires with the cap from the underside :slight_smile: ), and now it’s even weirder… it’s basically turning away from light.

If I calibrate the sensitivity so that it walks straight toward a light, and then add a light to one side, it sorta goes toward it, but once it’s close, it starts in circles. Seems like the sensitivity curve of one side isn’t the same as the other.

Maybe multiple things are going on? No one thing seems to fix it, just changes the behavior. I’ve tried swapping the LDRs, putting in new transistors, and nothing has made it work correctly. :frowning:

You should post a sharp and clear picture of the top and bottom of the kit.
Maybe someone will see something.

The owner of the local mom-and-pop electronics shop where I bought the kit already looked it over with a magnifier and said everything looked good. I think we can rule out assembly error.

Then we suggest to return it for inspection/repair.

We assume you are a US resident?
If so, please call (817) 284 77 85 for RMA#

Sorry, no, I’m in Switzerland.

OK, in that case you can return the kit to:

Velleman Projects Tech. Dept.
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

Please include a detailed fault description.

If you have any more ideas (or a formal troubleshooting guide, e.g. what your own techs might follow), please let me know. Swiss Post is rather expensive and I’m honestly not sure if it’s worth the money to send it in… :frowning:

Can you supply links to pics so that we can take a look?


Sorry for taking so long to reply, after taking the pictures, I had to resolve problems getting into my hosting account!

If you need additional detail photos of anything, let me know.


Assembly looks OK as far as we can see.
Sorry, at this time we don’t seem to be able to solve the problem without being able to examine your kit.
If you want to return it without extra charges, you could return it via your Velleman distributor.

So I decided to do a bit more component testing. I desoldered the LDRs (again) and measured them (again), but this time under more controlled conditions (in a breadboard, with zero clearance below, with headers to measure with the DMM, under a lamp at controlled distance.

It appears that the two LDRs aren’t even close in value.

LDR 1 is 117K in dark, 2.9K in light
LDR 2 is 54K in dark, 1.8K in light

I put some fixed 15K resistors into the circuit as a test, and while the crawling isn’t precisely symmetrical, it’s more or less straight.

Would you be willing to send me a new pair of LDRs (ideally ones tested to be a good pair) to try?


Sure, no problem, please open a support ticket.