MK105 and EDU09

Can I see the output of the MK105 on my EDU09 scope?
Maybe somebody can explain a little about this issue…
Me just simple newbie


Yes, you can, if both work correct.
Can you explain what you have done, how you hooked it up and what do you see?

thnx for your prompt answer, service!
First of all, I built the EDU09 with loads of pleasure, no mistakes, good calibration, for short it works perfect. Software installs in 3 minutes.
Afterwards I built the MK105, the wave generator. When connecting the both apparatusses, nothing to see. I have a bad feeling about the Generator,
The solder won’t flow as I’m used to, in a later project I sanded the circuit board very subtle, of course. That helped, but I hope there is a better solution?
In the meanwhile I’ve ordered another MK105, and will try again. But my question is answered.
If appropriate, I’ll come back to you and share my findings.


If you can provide LINKS to SHARP and HI-RES pics of your MK105 assembly (both solder- and component side), then we can take a look and provide feedback.