Mk 152

have an problem with the kit. When the LEDs speed slow down the red LED number “2” don’t illuminate any more. The CD4017 jump directly from “1” to “3”. Have already changed the IC “4017” but the same effect…

(red “2” LED light(/Spin) up 6-7 secs and all the others works. And, of course, the wheel never end at “2”…)


Make sure to use the kit on a 9V battery. Adding a capacitor (e.g. 1n) between pin 13 and 14 of '4017 can help.

I’m using a 9V battery… but putting a 1nF ceramic capacitor have solved the “bug” ! Thank You. :slight_smile:

I also see this behavior. When “spinning” fast, the LED #2 does light up. As it slows, if it gets to LED #2 it just jumps immediately to LED #3 instead.

I don’t have a 1nF capacitor handy to try with, I will need to pick one up and modify the kit.