Kit MK157

My son has been assembling the mini LCD message board kit MK157.
He has damaged the female connector in figure 8.
I have tried to obtain a replacement from Maplins to no avail. Could you advise where I may be able to obtain onr from also what I should be asking for.

Kind regards

You could try CPC,Rapid or alternatively, just solder the wires to the circuit board.
I hope I have helped a little,

The nearly-identical kit MK158 (has a serial interface and an enclosure) uses a similar LCD display.

It does not use a female connector strip on the LCD module, but relies on the pins of the pin-strip to reach from the LCD module to the printed circuit board.

I wonder if the same technique could be adapted for the MK157?

Additional 0.1in pinstrips are available cheaply from Maplin in the UK.

The instruction/assembly manual for the MK158 kit is at - … 158_uk.pdf