K8096 motor control mode?

Another question:
K8096 uses a fullstep or halfstep mode to control a stepper motor? (see page 5/9 of L6219 datasheet)

It uses fullstep mode.

K8097 the same?


Could you comment video & screenshot?
Signals on IC2/10 & IC2/16 (K8096).

  1. Video
    youtube.com/watch?v=VfF1O9Gu … e=youtu.be

  2. Screenshot

Ok, I have to comment on myself.

In this video: frequency instability reaches 4%. Let’s leave aside the question of where it all came from.

Well it is clear that with such frequency instability is impossible to achieve precise control of engine having a 1.8 degree step. Since the size of the error is more than the step size in several times.

While you assured me that this should work: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9182#p35633