K8076 Programmer, WinXP and FIFO buffers


just want to share my experience with using the K8076 PIC programmer from Velleman on a Windows XP computer.

After assembling the programmer, I tested everything (with multimeter) before connecting it. Everything seemed fine, so I continued and plugged in the power. :stuck_out_tongue:

Trying to write to a new 16F628A PIC I got the message that some settings didnā€™t match something else (you know, the famous error message of PICProg2006) or that no programmer was connected. However, the diagnostic LED test was running fine.

I tried all settings, configurations and options in that program, and I also tested my serial cable, tested the power supply and different PICs, but nothing helped. Then I tried to disable the FIFO buffers of my COM port (under device manager -> COMx properties -> Port settings -> Advanced) and supprise, everything worked. Since I disabled this FIFO buffer setting of my COM port, no new programming attempt ever failed againā€¦ maybe the buffers are messing up some timings while programming the PIC?

Not being able to find anything related on the internet (at least before I solved this problem), I hope this might help some people that have had the same problem as I didā€¦ I searched days for a solution, but did not find any.

It would be nice to have other people confirm or disconfirm what I just wrote and to get some feedback here :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

no this didnā€™t work for me :cry:

still have the ā€˜settings donā€™t match pic in programmerā€™ error. I can read the data but not write. If i connected the programmer to my old computer with windows 98 it works fine.

We have no problems with K8076 and a real RS232 port, maybe there is some other problem ? Please send the board to us for test or repair.

my board works fine on my older computer (running windows 98) so i donā€™t think anything is wrong with the connections or board. I just think the kit is not compatible with modern com ports :?

I could use the older computer the only problem is that the picprog2006 crashes when u click the button to find out where to place the wires on the board (in windows 98) :roll:


Yes, thatā€™s true. Windows 98 doesnā€™t support the graphic component used in the PICprog2006 software. Maybe you can install Win2K on your PC ?

no i used to run windows xp on that computer but there is something wrong with the memory or some device that gives me ā€œblue screens with error messageā€ when i try to boot or install windows xp

I only have windows 98 and XP on cd so i canā€™t try any other windows to install.

I keep getting the error ā€œError writing to picā€

I can blick the board (K8076) leds and i can read.

I tried slowing down the port and also diseble the FIFO but nothing

What should i do ???

i tried both picprog 2006 and 2009 on winXP