K8076 PGC Problems

Hi everyone,

I just bought a K8076, when I connect it to my pc the green led (LD1) goes on. All other leds stay off.

When I click on the “Hardware connections” button LD3(DPGC) goes on immediately.

I use a 15 Volt power supply with a max of 2400mA, so I think it should me more than enough.

Voltages (Mesured when clicked on the led in Hardware datalines test:
Orange-Red=4.8 V
Orange-green=4.6V (Also when not clicked on the LD3)

Anybody does have a clue what the problem could be?

Does anyone have a clue what it could be, of are you maybe missing some information?
Any hints are welcome…

Thnx, Q

Did you manage to resolve this as I have a similar problem?


No, I’ll probably get a nwel one tomorrow, I hope that one doesn’t have the problem…
So I can’t help you right now, maybe the new one gives some clues for me, if I’ve solved the problem I’ll let it know.

Hi -
Thanks for your reply.
Solved my problem. I decided to check the serial cable, as I had used one I already had, and found two wires crossed over. Now works OK. Should have done this before - what a dork.