K8071 Hi Power LED Driver

Is it possible to use the Kit K8071 3W High-Power Led Driver on my Microcontroller for PWM (Pulse Wave Modulation).

The question is how?. Can i usa a mosfet to switch the Kathode of my led on/off, or is it better to swich the Inpuit Ground and regulate there. I dont want to distroy my Expensive lumiled 3W 700mA. Maybe there is a pont on the cirquit that works.

Thank you so much for yur Help.

Kind Regards


K8071 LED does not have ground reference, so you cannot control it with a MOSFET. You can try to supply a 12VDC PWM regulated voltage to the K8071 (i.e. use a MOSFET to switch the power supply of the K8071).

Hello VEL417

Great, thank you for your lithning fast help. I tested it today, It really works! 12V Input of the K8071, ground swiching by a regular Mosfet on my pwm output of my Microcontroller, works Perfect. PWM about 360 Hz. Thank you for again.

Kind Regards Mario :smiley: