I bought a k8061. It works perfectly under windows xp. Now i’ve got windows vista, and i can’t get it working, because there aren’t any drivers. Does somebody now how i do solve this?
Sorry but no new drivers for the Vista are not yet available. You can try to use the same driver as you used for the XP.
Try to run the DEMO8061.exe file in WinXp compatibility mode.
Out of curiousity, are you using the 32 or 64 bit version of Vista?
I am using a 64 bit version.
so , if y understand, it’s not driver for this cards on 64 bits OS ?
donc si je comprend bien il n’y a pas de drivers pour un OS en 64 bit ?
We are working on a new package with a new driver, based on the standard Windows USB driver and a new DLL. It will only be tested on a 32 bit VISTA system. Most 32 bit software will also work on a 64bit system.