K8060 + k8084

yes!!! verry nice :smiley: :laughing:
sounds good on my B&W DM320’s.

Bowers and Wilkins??? very nice! :slight_smile:

My question, is that if i remove the RCA off the board, there will be 3 solder points for each jack. But i only need 2. Why is there 3? which 2 do i use? or what do i do with all of them?here is a picture…
thank you :slight_smile:

Check with a multimeter or look at the traces, two of them are connected.

i have tested with a multimeter, it seems there is a difference with the in-and out-put.
on the input it looks as if they are all connected?
and the output is not.

maybe someone can tell me what TPR & TPL are for?
located just below the output.

thank u.

Im curious about TPR and TPL too. and what how can i tell which of the 3 points to use? im sorry, but i am a beginner at using multimeters.
Thank you :slight_smile:

TPL and TPR are outputs (test points).
You can use them as outputs.
See page 8 of manual…

i have finished my project!
the results are amazing!

a friend of mine (a treu audiophile)sayd:it comes verry close to beeing Hi-End! :smiley:

images comming soon.

I look forward to seeing pictures. i need to check whats going wrong with mine.

i would like to show some pictures,
but i understand the admin needs
to allow me to upload ‘‘attachments’’?


Sorry, no pics allowed.
You can provide links to e.g. a free online picture base.

Well almost a whole year has gone by and the project has yet to be finished. Still haven’t figured out the buzzing coming from the speaker. If I replace the the RCA plugs on the pre-amp, then I don’t know where to solder the cables (since the RCA’s are soldered in 3 places each).

Also, I’m using a 75W RMS speaker, hope that is ok?if someone with more experience can help me through this I would be very grateful.

please help, this is my situation…

if i turn down the RV1 bias the buzz pulsated more.
I do not know what to do now. I dont want to go buying the kits again if im going to end up here again. If anybody finds this familiar please speak up.
Thank you.