This little thigs draws more then 100 mA, which cannot be correct (battery gets hot).
If I look at the pcb layout (copper site), I notice that anodes of D1, D2 and ZD1 are connected to eachother.
There are also other anomalies.
Anode of ZD1 and C6 should be connected to C2 and R5 (dwg), on the pcb R2 and R5 are connected to pin 8!
So pcb is not the same as in the schematic diagram on p10. BTW pcb is indicated with P8059’4.
What is correct, diagram or pcb layout?
Any change that someone could send me copper layout to verify if I did not shortcircuit something, and/or have the coorect pcb.
PCB and diagram are correct. A small node (just below pin 8) is not visible on the diagram, but should be there. Anodes of D1, D2 and ZD1 are connected. Also, anode of ZD1, C6, C2 and R5 are connected to R8.
Sorry, no copper layout.
100mA is definately not normal and looks like a short.
Cause is either short circuit between solderings (most likely), a wrong component value or a wrong direction of a diode.
Remove IC. Check if you get 5V between pin 1 and 8. If not, check that part of the circuit.