Where can i buy one in N Ireland??? Also how much is it? what power supply does the receiver need? thank you!
To find a dealer in your area visit www.velleman.be At the top of the page you will see a link for Dealers.
K8070 - power supply: 9 to 12V AC or DC / 100mA max.
K8070 is a two channel receiver for the K8058 8 channel RF transmitter.
The K8056 is an 8 channel relay board. If you add the optional RX433 receiver module, you get an 8 channel receiver with 8 relay outputs.
Transmitter and 8 channel receiver plus RX433 module are availabe as a complete assembled and tested set VM118
none of the listed dealers for the UK stock the relay board, RF remote or the reciever is their any other way of buying these?
Check if the UK distributor is willing to special order this item. If not, check for an overseas distributor who is willing to ship.
GoTronic [ www.gotronic.fr ] list this item, and dispatched a recent order to England for me recently, at what seemed a very modest postal charge.