I have assembled two K8056 8-Channel Relay Cards with RX433 modules and two K8058 8-Channel RF Remotes, making up 16 channels.
This is controlled by a Philips iPronto Remote that has been modded with the TX433 module or the original 8-Channel Remote.
In order to control some dc motors the pulse mode is selected for all channels.
Problem is the relay won’t stay activated as long as the button is pressed. There is a short interrupt about every two seconds. This makes it unusable for my application.
Can you provide the transmitter/receiver firmware for both Microchips PIC16F630 or is there already an updated version?
Is it only when these motors are connected or always ?
If it’s always send your 2 MCU’s, PIC16F630 to us, by post.
We will check them and send you updated type’s if nessesary.
Attn. Pascal De Petter
Legen Heirweg 33
Thanks for the fast reply.
It’s independent of anything being connected to the outputs.
I do have hardware to reprogram the PICs and could give it a try if you are willing to provide the latest files. The kits were bought in 04/2006.
I would appreciate if you can try to reproduce the problem before I send the PICs. It would seem to easily be reproducible. There is no version number or label attached to any PICs. Right now I’m unable to tell the software version. In addition program and data memory code protection are enabled so there is no easy way to dump the code.
Maybe it’s not even caused by the firmware. In case you can’t reproduce I could hook up a storage scope and diagnose further. The sender LED flashes all the time while a button is pressed. The receiver LED shows an interruption that is timely shifted but matches the relais interruption in length. Therefore I would assume the transmitter is ok.
I have 4 PICs in total (2 in TX, 2 in RX) since there are two kits. In case you want to replace the receiver PICs I feel it’s more postage sending two PICs as their actual value. I could fax you a copy of the receipt to prove the purchase.
We do not provide any source or HEX code from any of our kits, so please send the 2 PIC’s of your K8056 to us for testing.
[quote=“megafix”]I have assembled two K8056 8-Channel Relay Cards with RX433 modules and two K8058 8-Channel RF Remotes, making up 16 channels.
This is controlled by a Philips iPronto Remote that has been modded with the TX433 module or the original 8-Channel Remote.
In order to control some dc motors the pulse mode is selected for all channels.
Problem is the relay won’t stay activated as long as the button is pressed. There is a short interrupt about every two seconds. This makes it unusable for my application.
Can you provide the transmitter/receiver firmware for both Microchips PIC16F630 or is there already an updated version?[/quote]
Do you have the this problem with the pronto or with our K8058 remote?
The problem occurs using the iPronto and using two K8058 remotes. The iPronto basically repeats the codes it has learned.
I have sent all 4 PICs to the specified address in Belgium.
did you find a solution? I have the same problem, a K8056 withRX433 and a K8058 transmitter (all kits). When holding a button on the transmitter, mostly (but not always) the relay pulls in but releases every 2-3 seconds. I use it to trigger 2 K2579 start/stop timers, and two lightdimmers. The operation of these becomes thus hopeless.
I have nothing but a soldering iron and a multimeter… Can you help?
Hi Jo,
up to now there is no solution.
I have received two new sets of Microchip PIC16F630 for receiver and transmitter. Again there is no version number or label attached to any PICs making change control impossible. I’m unable to tell if I received an updated firmware version because program and data memory code protection are enabled.
The initial problem of the relays not staying activated permanently while a button is pressed seems even worse now. There is a short interrupt about every every second. This renders the kit useless for my application.
In addition one of the receiver PICs I received by mail seems to be programmed incorrectly and isn’t working at all. Thus one receiver is currently bricked.
I’m sure there is no problem with the transmitter.
The problem is probably related to a too short debounce time in the K8056 receiver PIC. In some cases, the standard debounce time can be too short, e.g. in a noisy environment. We cannot increase the debounce time as a default, because in normal environments this would lead to a slow response time.
Please supply an address (for your privacy, use the web support form)
so we can send a spare PIC for your relay board.
Don’t know what or where this support form is, but privacy is not a real issue here, is it, so I’ll give it here.
With this debounce time you mean the shortest time that a relay remains engaged? Don’t make it tóó long, because then it becomes impossible to switch off the light dimmer (short push). I had that with a commercial remote before.
Thank you for your help.
With this debounce time you mean the shortest time that a relay remains engaged?
Please return you PIC controller to the address you can find in the manual.
Make sure to include a message which refers to this discussion.
The original software has been changed to provide a longer debounce time. You will receive an updated version.
We are sure that you’ll understand that we do not have the means to ‘tune’ the debounce time until it suits your specific needs.
We have received your PIC.
A new one containing the improved debounce code has been sent to your address today.
Hi Velleman Support,
the two receiver PIC16F630 with Firmware 1.02 (increased debounce time) for K8056 8-Channel Relay Cards with RX433 modules are working perfectly. You were right with the idea that it’s being caused by a too short debounce time. The response time is still ok for my application (8 motor-actuated sofa).
There must have been something wrong with the first modified PIC firmware I had received. This one had a decreased debounce time compared to the standard PIC that came with the kit. The relay turned off at least once a second and started flickering if the transmitter moved away. The second PIC that wasn’t working at all isn’t protected and can be dumped. No idea what code it contains. But no need to disassemble since the receivers are working fine now.
Thanks for the fast and professional support.
No problem, also thank to you for helping imoving our products.
Next production, new rev. of fimrware will be included.
Thank you for a quick service. But euh… the new PIC doesn’t work at all; the signal is received but the relays remain dead. I’ve put the old one in again. I send the new one back to you, ok?
This is strange because we’ve tested it before sending.
Are you sure it is not set to a different address ?
If you are positive it is not working at all, please return it for examination.
Received the two PIC’s, at first same problem with both, but indeed: forcing to address 1 solved the problem!
The relaycard is now working perfectly, no more instabilities. Perfect service, Thank you very much!
However…as I feared from the start, the minimum time of the relays is now a tiny bit too long for the light dimmer. One short push on the transmitter is not interpreted as a ‘short push’ by the dimmer… the lights dim a little bit and that’s it; can’t extinguish them anymore. Out of bed every time