K8055 and stepper motor

Hi all!

I have i question.
Can i control a stepper motor via the K8055 ?

My goal is to build a thermostat for my house
The stepper motor will the temperature knob on my central heating system.

If the K8055 can control a stepper motor, can you recomend a motor to use?

Best regards

Please note that the K8005 needs the K8000, it doesn not work with K8055
We have the impression that you are a novice, which is fine, but we do like to point out that the above kits are level 5 kits. If you do not have the necessary programming and electronics experience, you will get dissapointed or frustrated. It is impossible to just tell you in a few words how to develop an application using the above kits.

Thanks for the help

I will read :slight_smile:

Since the K8005 has pushbuttons for manual control, these be wired to the digital outputs of a k8055 for computer control without k8000 (many modern laptops lack the parallel port to connect a k8000).

just my $0.02

Yes, if you make this wiring you’ll get the test functions (same as pushing the buttons) of the K8005 to operate only. Maybe OK for some simple applications and for testing the stepping motors anyhow…

Im running bipoler stepper drivers from my K8055 using a program I wrote in C++ builder. Im having a problem with pulsing the drivers with a min time of 1mS. 1mS is the smallest possible timer that I know of that can be used in C++ builder therefore the max speed I can run my 1.8deg stepper moters is around 40RPM. Do you maybe have any advise of how I can speed then up without buying other stepper motors?

Sorry but the update interval of the K8055 is 10ms.
Please see more details in the thread:

Hello, I am a student from Belgium and I am working on a small project involving the K8005 steppermotorcard. I need to write about the card and the software (tst8005.exe). I don’t have a K8000 so I can’t open the software. The problem is that I need a screenshot of the testsoftware. Can somebody help me with this?..

@marsh: The K8005 doesn’t work ‘stand-alone’, you need also a K8000 !

But what about connecting it to a microprocessor via the i2c bus like a normal PIC…possible? i was looking at documentation and seen nothing about it.