K8055 and K8061 DLL user guides and PWM support

Hi, I am considering purchasing either the K8055 or K8061.
I am using VB6.

Both the K8055 and K8061 kits state that they support PWM output channel.

I have looked through the K8055 DLL userguide and find no mention re. how to setup PWM output. I assume this has not been implemented in the DLL?

  1. The K8061 broshure shows the test software with PWM slider - so I assume the DLL supports PWM generation procedures. But I can’t find the K8061 DLL user guide. Does anyone have a copy?

I need PWM to drive some motor controller H bridge chips that I am using.

Thanks for your help,

Mark Hamester

Sorry but the PWM output of the K8055 or K8061 is not suitable for motor controlling.
The PWM signal frequency is not programmable.
Please see the threads:

Thanks for the reply.

Actually 23Khz PWM frequency is fine.

And I can use the “voltage” selection to get 0-100% duty cycle - so I am going to give this a go.


Mark H