K8055 analog input and accelerometer help


I need to connect a accelerometer LISL02AL (from ST) to the analog input of my k8055.
But the accelerometer give only a output voltage Min 0,99V Max 2,31V

How can I convert it to 0V and 5V for the analog input.

I think that it is possible with a aop but I am not a electronician, I
have just concepts of electrecity. if somebody can help me?


According to the datasheet the output resistance of the accelerometer is quite high (100 k).
If you connect it directly to the 100k ohm trimmers (RV1, RV2) of the K8055 then the voltage you get will be even lower

If you like to amplify the signal you have to change RV1 and RV2 to 1M ohm trimmers. Then select proper values (about 10 k) for R8 and R9 to increase the gain of the input amplifiers.

Important: Remove SK2 and SK3.

Thank you very much for your answer.
I will buy the components and to do one tests quickly

I think of using to supply the accelerometer the 5V on SK2 of the K8055 but according to the datasheet the input voltage of the accelerometer is 3,3V.

which is the simplest manner to pass from the 5V to the 3,3V ?

To drop the voltage to about 3.3 V you may put 3 diodes (1N4148) in series from +5V to the VDD pin of the LIS3L02AL.

thank you very much for all this information.

if I understand well, I assemble 3 diodes in series and a capacity (100nf ceramic) between the input of the accelerometer and the mass to filter the signal.

It’s correct ?

Yes, and 10uF too according to the Figure 3. LIS3L02AL electrical connection.
st.com/stonline/products/lit … 3l02al.pdf

