
I’d like to connect my 16f627 to an LED.
First the power supply, is this pin 5(-), and pin 14(+)?
Then the LED, on pin 6 I think.
Should I connect the LED’s +(positive) to pin 6, and -(negative) to pin 14?
I don’t really understand yet.

I think it is best to look to the circuit diagram of the K8048. There you have the exact situation that you want: the 16F627 (socket “18P”), which is connected to the supply and which drives 6 leds (of which you will need only one of course).
The circuit diagram is in the manual delivered with the kit.


  • Do not forget to connect MCLR/Vpp (pin 4 of the 16F627) via a resistor of 3K3 to Vdd (pin 14).
  • Connections to pins 12 (PGC), 13 (PGD), 15 (Osc2) and 16 (Osc1) are not needed, they can be left unconnected.

I did not hear anything about the checkout of the circuit diagram, so here is the answer to your questions:

[quote]First the power supply, is this pin 5(-), and pin 14(+)?
-[color=blue]-> Indeed.[/color]

Then the LED, on pin 6 I think.
[color=blue]–> Yes, you can take pin 6 to connect a led to. Pin 6 is PortB.0 in your software.[/color]

Should I connect the LED’s +(positive) to pin 6, and -(negative) to pin 14?
[color=blue]–> Yes, the positive side (the anode) to pin 6 (PortB 0) but the negative side (the cathode) to pin 5 (the - of the 5V), so NOT to pin 14 (Vdd). Do not forget to put a resitor (e.g. 680 ohm) in series with the LED to limit the current in it. See the circuit diagram of the K8048 board).[/color][/quote]

I’m sorry I didn’t reply any sooner.
Thank you very much for the perfect explanation!
You don’t know how much you’ve helped me!

Do you work at Velleman? If you don’t, you should :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with jAppelflap. Dany, have you thought of writing a book about the 8048? It would be as appreciated as your help is on so many topics concerning the 8048.